Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Morning

The site is starting to develop slowly. I hope that the information on the military records is helpful in your research. I will continue next week up to WWII records.

Wanted to everyone to know I am currently working on a project for the Lakeside Historical Society that involves the publication of a book. The topic of the book is pictures of the long history of Lakeside, OH. For those that don't know Lakeside is located over by the Lake Erie Islands close to Marblehead. This was and continues to be a popular summer destination for folks from Northeast Ohio.

Another note the first county records that I will be profiling is Ashtabula. My family has a long history in that county that dates back to 1798. The sad part is the folks with the counties mailing list don't feel I am providing worth while information. I hope there are still some folks interested in that area visiting the blog.

Thank you for those that have sent me their brickwalls. I am currently evaluating them and will begin the research process. Please be patient as I work through the research.

Thanks again and have a great weekend.

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